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TCCA Committees - 2025

Welcome to the Committee’s Page for the TCCA! 

Each committee has a separate set of duties that helps in handling the daily business of the TCCA. Please review the duties of each committee by selecting the duties link or you may email the chairperson any comments or questions by selecting their name.

There is always a great need for committee members. If you are interested in serving on one of the TCCA Committees, please complete a Committee Member Request Application.  



Summary of Duties: Members of the Advisory committee will assist the Board as requested using their knowledge and years of experience. A member may be responsible for generating and providing reports to the Board.

Committee Chair: Landra Solansky (Seguin)
Co-Chair:  Tammy King Odom (Texas City)

Advisory Committee Duties

Bylaws Committee

Summary of Duties: The Bylaws Committee is responsible for reviewing the Bylaws of the Association as to their practicality and application and to review the needs for amending or adding to the Bylaws.

Committee Chair:  Stacy Martin (San Antonio)Committee
Co-Chair:  Andrea Goff Fontanes (San Antonio)

Submit Bylaws Suggestions

Bylaws Committee Duties

Certification &

Summary of Duties: The Certification and Education Committee is primarily responsible for overseeing the Municipal Court Clerk’s Certification Program. The committee is also responsible for approving the educational programs to be offered during the TCCA Annual Conference and other educational and development programs approved by the committee, and shall be responsible for educational articles to be included in The Scribe. This committee shall serve as the decision making body for the certification program which includes ensuring that speakers and facilitators are qualified to present topics at the TCCA Annual Conference or any educational session where an application for training has been submitted to the Education Committee for approval.  

Committee Chair:   Tammy King Odom (Texas City)

Certification & Education Committee Duties

Program Financial Manager 

Committee Chair: Pat Riffel (Friendswood)

Certification Program Financial Manager Duties

Planning Committee

Summary of Duties: The committee will be comprised of the Executive Board, Technology Chairperson, Public Relations Chairperson, Education Committee Chairperson and the Vendor Committee Chairperson. The committee is responsible for selection of meeting facilities, housing accommodations and planning of the entertainment for the Annual Conference. 

Committee Chair:   Landra Solansky  (Seguin)
Committee Co-Chair:  Tammy King Odom (Texas City)

Conference Committee Duties

Ethics Committee

Summary of Duties: The Ethics Committee is responsible for receiving, reviewing and investigating grievances of an ethical nature.

Click: To File Ethics Complaint

PLEASE NOTE:   This Ethics Committee can only accept filings against clerks who are members of this organization.  Filings that submitted for clerks who are not members will not be processed.

Committee Chair:  Nikki Ashley (Johnson County Pct. 2)

Ethics Committee Duties




Summary of Duties: The Exhibitor Committee Chair is the primary point of contact for the Exhibitors at the annual conference and will ensure that their needs are met before, during, and after the conference. The Exhibitor Committee Chair is responsible for assisting the Conference Planning Committee with exhibitor-related issues/tasks such as seeking exhibitor attendance and participation at the annual conference, assisting with exhibitor registration and sponsorships as well as conducting the Exhibitor Expo.

Committee Chair: Tracy Ventura (Liberty Hill)
Committee Co-Chair:  Kirby Hewett II (Longview)

Exhibitor Committee Duties

 Finance Committee

Summary of Duties: The Treasurer is the committee chair and is required to submit financial reports to the Board of Directors during scheduled meetings as well as present the annual financial report at the Annual Business Meeting.

Committee Chair:  Malia Elkins (Woodway)
Committee Co-Chair:  Christine McMains (Lacy Lakeview)

Finance Committee Duties

  Historian Committee

Summary of Duties: The Historian is responsible for preserving the history of the Texas Court Clerks Association by collecting various articles, documents and photos regarding the Association’s activities and placing them into the scrapbooks and photo albums. The Historian is responsible for maintaining all scrapbooks and photo albums as well as displaying them during the Annual Conference.

Committee Chair:  Heather Leonard (Mansfield)
Committee Co-Chair:  Jennifer Dorsett (Watauga)

Historian Committee Duties

Internal Audit

Committee Chair: Beth Kuentz (Horseshoe Bay)

Audit Committee Duties


 Summary of Duties: The Texas Court Clerks Association (TCCA) Legislative Committee reviews and monitors legislative issues related to Texas courts. Click: To File Suggestions

Committee Chair: Kirby Hewett (Longview)
Committee Co-Chair: Stacy Martin (San Antonio)

Legislative Committee Duties

Membership Committee 

 Summary of Duties: The Membership Committee is responsible for the recruiting of members, the circulation of information about the Association to other organizations and individuals, the formulating of plans for the inclusion of subsidiary associations and the formulating of plans for the merging of other national organizations. The committee is also responsible for carrying out decisions of the Board of Directors relative to the recruitment, maintenance, and eligibility of members of the Association..

Committee Chair: Bobbie Spence (Cedar Hill)
Committee Co-Chair: Courtney Broussard (La Porte)

Membership Committee Duties

Merchandise Committee

Summary of Duties: The Chairperson of the Merchandise Committee is required to ensure that merchandise is ordered and available for sale at the Texas Court Clerks Annual Conference. The Chairperson is responsible for developing and maintaining a work schedule to guarantee the merchandise booth is properly manned during the designated times.

Committee Chair: Sonya Cates (Alvin)
Committee Co-Chair:  Bertha Vindel

Merchandise Committee Duties

 Nominations Committee

Summary of Duties: The purpose of the Nomination Committee is to process the nominations to fill open positions on the Board of Directors for the Texas Court Clerks Association.  The Committee Chair will receive nominations, confirm acceptance and eligibility and obtain nominee bios, prepare Voting Ballot and Voting Results Report. 

Committee Chair: Andrea Goff Fontanes (San Antonio)
Committee Co-Chair: Bobbie Spence (Cedar Hill)

Nominations Committee Duties

 Public Relations Committee

Summary of Duties: The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for soliciting nominations for a Professionalism and/or Honorary Award to be presented at the Annual Banquet. The Public Relations Committee shall also be responsible for obtaining the outgoing Board Members awards and any other award deemed necessary by the Board. 

Committee Chair:  Courtney Broussard (La Porte)
Committee Co-Chair: Bertha Vindel (Kennedale)

Committee Co-Chair: Sheila Seymore (Canyon)

Public Relations Committee Duties

 Publications Committee

Summary of Duties: The Publication Committee Chair is primarily responsible for the content, layout, and design of the Association publication, The Scribe, and for its’ distribution to the membership. 

Committee Chair:  Sheila Seymore (Canyon)
Committee Co-Chair:  Tiffany Totah (Victoria)

Publications Committee Duties

 Technology Committee

Summary of Duties: The Technology Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance othe TCCA websitthrougcoordination with the privatvendor webmaster selecteby thboard.

Committee Chair: Jeremy Leonard (Lewisville)  
Committee Co-Chair:  Tiffany Totah (Victoria)  
Committee Co-Chair:  Heather Leonard (Mansfield)  

Technology Committee Duties

 TML Representative

Summary of Duties: The TML Board Representative serves as the Association’s representative on the Board of Directors of the Texas Municipal League. The TCCA Vice President shall serve as the TML Board Representative 

Committee Chair:  Jeremy Leonard (Lewisville)  

TML Representative Duties

 Scholarship Committee

Summary of Duties: The Scholarship Committee is responsible for reviewing the Scholarships applications that are submitted for the TCCA scholarship to help members attend the TCCA Annual Conference. The chairperson notifies members by an email that have been chosen to receive a scholarship along with a certificate.   

Committee Chair:  Jennifer Huhn (Pearland)
Committee Co-Chair:  Sonia Cates (Alvin)

Scholarship Committee Duties

Texas Court Clerks Association

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